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May 20, 2023

Amazon url shortener

Amazon link shortener: how to pick the best one? Let's find out.

Building the right tech stack is key

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How to choose the right tech stack for your company?

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Odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor.

What to consider when choosing the right tech stack?

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What are the most relevant factors to consider?

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What tech stack do we use at Techly X?

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Amazon link shortener: how to pick the best one?

Amazon is an all-time growing E-commerce giant offering lots of potential to retailers all around the globe.

Annual net sales revenue of Amazon from 2004 to 2021 (in billion U.S. dollars) source

Even though it’s an awesome e-commerce platform to run your business on, simply being present on it is not enough. To make sales, you need some proper marketing. This includes sharing links to your Amazon products with other people so that they can see them and buy from you.


And when it comes to sharing links, one way of doing it effectively today is by using an Amazon URL shortener.

What is it, why do you need it and how to pick the best one to start creating shortened links for Amazon products? 

Answering these questions is on our agenda for today. 

Amazon URL shortener - What is it?

A link shortener is a technology which takes a long URL and creates a shorter, easier-to-share version out of it. 

It works by converting the original, long URL into a new, short link, using special software. The result is that you get a link leading to the exact same destination on the Internet, but in a far better-looking form. 

As a result, you do not have to worry about your Amazon link being too long or looking like spam. 

What’s more, using a short link instead or a long URL has plenty of advantages for users. 

Why Use Amazon short URL link creator?

Perhaps the thought of using an Amazon shortener for your Amazon product links has crossed your mind before. Maybe you even saw a nice-looking Amazon link and thought: “I want something like this for my Amazon store”. 

If it’s true, but you don’t necessarily know what perks such a shortened Amazon link could give you, we present them to you now.

Make your links visually more appealing

Link shorteners are a great way to make your boring, long links look better for your audience. They can also be used for branding purposes (more on that later) and for making the links more predictable and less spammy.

The links that you share on social media or in email campaigns should always look visually appealing. That’s how they attract the eyes of potential customers.

To attract these eyes, you need to distinguish yourself from the competitors. Creating unique links is the way to go in this case.

For proof, check these 2 tweets out from 2 different brands promoting their gaming graphic cards on Amazon. One brand uses long URLs, while the other uses short URLs. Can you notice how much more organized visually the tweet with a shortened link is? 

here: a graphic showing the difference between a good looking (shortened) and a worse looking (long) link - ideally create one graphic out of it for comparison.

source - long link

Where can you share such links that look awesome?

  • YouTube video description,
  • Facebook group,
  • Google ads,
  • Facebook page,
  • Your website,
  • In your online marketing campaigns, like in newsletters sent to your customer base,
  • Paid ads,
  • Your iOS app (if you have one).

So as you can see, you can share your short links anywhere!

Get even more clicks

Moving on, another advantage of using an URL shortener is that it can boost your Amazon store's traffic. 

When you are using the Amazon affiliate program, you can place links to your products on other websites and blogs. However, those links are usually long and difficult to remember and share. 

That's where the link shortener comes in handy. 

You can shorten those links with a service like LinkDrip and then paste them into your Amazon store as an affiliate link for more clicks!


Boost your branding efforts and improve brand recognition

Let’s not forget that link shorteners are a great way to boost your branding efforts.

Link shorteners are actually useful for any ecommerce store owner. They can help you improve your branding results and make your Amazon store stand out in your industry thanks to branded links.

Remember that when you decide to shorten Amazon links, there is no need to worry about the URL length. 

You can use the entire URL, including your brand name and logo, to make sure that your brand is being communicated in a clear and concise manner.

Take a look at this example of how great short URLs look when you not only shorten them, but also give them a little bit of a branding touch:

full URL: 

alternative, shorter URL: 

URL shortened with a link shortening tool: 

(here, insert the above link into your link shortening engine and shorten it, preferably using the custom link feature if possible).

Track your Amazon short link performance 

Last but not least, link shortening tools open the door to the world of in-depth analytics.

There are various monitoring and tracking options to take advantage of.

Click through rates, visitors’ locations and the devices they use are just some of the possibilities. 

The richer in features your chosen link shortener is, the more analytics features you’ll have access to. 

How to Choose the Best Link Shortener for Amazon?

To benefit from an Amazon link shortening tool as much as possible, you should pick one that meets a few criteria. 

These are:

User experience

First things first, one of your main demands when it comes to a link shortening tool should be the ease of use. 

As an Amazon store manager, you’ve probably mastered all the features available within your store’s account by now. Do you remember how long it took you to do it? Exactly.

A solid link shortener should be easy to navigate. 

With tools like LinkDrip, you can actually start your link shortening journey in 3 steps:

  • create your account,
  • create your first link,
  • share the link and start tracking it

Pretty easy, isn’t it?

Tool’s reliability

As a seller on Amazon, you probably want to be associated with adjectives like “reliability”, “trust” and “good quality”. 

If that’s the case, then you need to work hard to be referred to as such. This also applies to the type of tools you decide to use as part of your Amazon link shortening journey. 

Pick a tool that is reliable and won’t crash your URLs after some time. There is potentially nothing worse than sharing external URLs that don’t work. 

Thus, research your potential choices. This includes:

  • checking out the reviews on software review sites like G2 and Capterra
  • reaching out to current users of a tool and asking for their opinion, 
  • booking a chat appointment with customer service teams of a tool and asking any questions you may have.

It’s these little things that can make a huge difference in terms of your links’ future reliability. Do take them into account when looking for an Amazon link shortener.

Monitoring and analytics features

Sharing a nice looking Amazon product link that never crashes is one thing, but getting insights into whether it is converting or not is something totally different. 

Be sure to get a tool that offers extensive analytics features like:

  • type of devices your link clickers use,
  • type of browser your link clickers use, 
  • what sources your visitors are coming from,
  • where your visitors are from geographically.

They will help you better understand your marketing efforts and focus on the aspects of them that bring visible results.

Subscription fee

When you’re on the hunt for that perfect Amazon link shortening tool, be sure to pay attention to how much it’s actually going to cost you. 

Prices of link shorteners vary across the market. 

There are both quite pricey, as well as some budget-friendly ones. Ultimately, it’s your shout when it comes to picking whatever suits you and, most importantly, your needs and wallet.

We do however have some tips for you when it comes to researching your potential link shorteners and their pricing:

  • always start with your desired budget in mind,
  • check out the prices of more than one tool,
  • compare the features,
  • look at their price:quality:features ratio. 

Why LinkDrip is the best Amazon link shortener

As you now know, link shorteners can be advantageous for Amazon businesses. 

In this part, we want you to understand why LinkDrip should be your tool for shortening your Amazon URLs.

If you’re looking for the best link shortening experience, we recommend that you give it a chance. 

LinkDrip is simply the best, most reliable link management tool out there, offering features like:

  • Real-time analytics page: You can engage in link management activities of your Amazon links. Check out devices, top referrers and even local cities of your visitors. Look at how your specific links perform. Add tracking codes and monitor your analytics dashboard.
  • Inbuilt retargeting: Start retargeting your visitors with ads on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Google and more - all so that they come back to your Amazon store quickly.
  • QR codes: LinkDrip allows you to target your offline audience with branded QR Codes - add QR code stickers to your customers’ orders so that they come back to you and buy again. 
  • Link rotation: Automatically rotate your target destination on a schedule or given performance conditions.
  • A/B testing: Setup A/B testing of your links. Measure which destinations convert the best and bring you the most Amazon store visitors. 
  • Destinations. You can choose from a wide variety of destination types. It could be a regular link, an email, a phone call, a Messenger or WhatsApp inbox request and more - you pick what’s best for your Amazon store.

You can read about more features here.

With such well designed and thought-out features, you will be able to work wonders with your Amazon links. 

How can LinkDrip help you with shortening links for your Amazon products?

Thanks to LinkDrip's well developed software for shortening links, you can effortlessly shorten and post links - whenever you want to.

LinkDrip's custom URL shortener is extremely intuitive and smooth - just how it should be. Our goal is to allow users to build better links for even better click through rates.

Simply put, LinkDrip is your next, improved way of creating better links for your Amazon products. 

So try it today and never look back at the old ways of handling your links.

Get an Amazon Link Shortener To Shorten Your Links Today

We hope that by now you know what Amazon URL shorteners are and how they can benefit your business. 

Shortening your Amazon URLs can bring lots of valuable perks, but only if you pick the right tool for this purpose. 

As soon as you begin your search for that “one and only”, be sure to follow our advice from this article. This way, you’ll end up picking the best URL shortening tool for your business. 

However, if you want to skip the tedious task of researching the possible options, we want to recommend Vixmo. From the first short URL, you will be amazed how great this tool is. 

Other than that, be sure to check our similar releases out if you want to learn more about short links and their power.

Good luck and, hopefully, see you around soon!