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A/B Testing

Setup A/B testing of your links. Measure which destinations converts the best.

How it works

LinkDrip makes it easy to A/B test your website with multiple destination variants.

Smooth and fast redirect.

No client-side "blinking" or "glitching". LinkDrip will roll the dice and determine a variant before redirecting the viewer to your destination.

Lightning fast

No JavaScript required on the client. The viewer will have a seemless, smooth and lightning fast redirect.


LinkDrip remembers the destination for each viewer so they'll get the same result each time they revisit the link.

Conversion tracking

Track conversions across all variants from one place by installing the LinkDrip pixel on your destination site.

Picking the winner

Track conversions across all variants from one place by installing the LinkDrip pixel on your destination site.

Start sharing your links in a new, more intentional, way

What your visitors will see is a simple, short link.
What you will see, and be able to do, will give you true superpowers!
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