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Advanced analytics

Observe and analyse your links performance in real-time. From referrer, device, to the local city of the visitor.

How it works

Track and analyze the performance of your links from one place. You can skip the spreadsheets and tedious note-taking.

Understand your visitors

We give you real-time insight into the visitors of your links.

Device type

Are your visitors on a desktop, tablet, mobile, TV or other smart devices? We'll show you.


Are your visitors using Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari? You can easily see this with LinkDrip.


Pinpoint where your links visitors are coming from. List the top referrers across your links.


Pinpoint where your links visitors are coming from. List the top referrers across your links.

Start sharing your links in a new, more intentional, way

What your visitors will see is a simple, short link.
What you will see, and be able to do, will give you true superpowers!
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