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Link rotation

Automatically rotate your target destination on a schedule or given performance conditions.

How it works

LinkDrip will automatically rotate your target destination based on a time and date, or when the link reached a certain number of clicks or visitors.

Give your visitors a dynamic experience

Let your links change dynamically, either on a repeated rotation, or by shuffling through your links.


After a full rotation - your links will start over.


Shuffle through your links at a given schedule or condition.

Rotation triggers

Set up rotation triggers to change the target destination given a number of clicks or unique visits.

Link expiration

Set up rotation triggers to change the target destination given a number of clicks or unique visits.

Start sharing your links in a new, more intentional, way

What your visitors will see is a simple, short link.
What you will see, and be able to do, will give you true superpowers!
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